Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Irish legends- leprechaun

leprechaun are a mythical creatures of Ireland they are very sneeky and have lots of magical tricks. legends say that if you catch a leprechaun it has to show you where their gold is but be careful because they will try to trick you so that you will turn around like (look at that bird) so if you find one keep a good eye on it.

Irish Icons - shamrock or also known as clover

the shamrock is a flower that grows mainly in Ireland they are green and have three love-heart shaped leaves.
people say that if you find a 4 leave shamrock then you will get good luck. but you have to keep it safe because if it breaks or you lose it the luck will no longer be helpful.
P.S they are very small and if you really badly want one you are more likely to find one in a field of shamrocks in Ireland (long trip)

irish traditions - communion

in Ireland for your communion is is the same you go you take the host you get blessed and have a party then you go around the neighbor hood and collect.......MONEY  strange right it was a good day to get rich and save up

traditions - wetting the baby's head

one of the traditions is called wetting the baby's head, you use this tradition when you have a Baptism, what you do is the godparent of the baby get a bit of alcohol on there finger and daps it on the baby's tongue


hi my name is A.A
and today i will blow your mind away with my blog i chose this because i learnt really amazing stuff about ireland that i wanted to share with you i hope you injoy